tirsdag 30. mai 2017

Mock Exam 2017

Task 1 – short answer


The text “How You Can Save Western Civilization by Reading True Grit” displays a variety of language tools that has molded the text into a simple, yet informative writing. It is clearly shown in the text the author has followed the TRIT pattern. The topic is initially presented in the first sentence where it says “Read a book.” The short sentence easily opens the text and it is clear what we can expect from it. Secondly, the topic is restricted when the author forwards the message by explaining what reading can do to our western society. Followed by that, an incident appears: “You open yourself to new ideas, new experiences, new perspectives”. At the end of the paragraph, the topic is presented once again in the last sentence: “But read”. This pattern links the text and makes it easy to read and pay attention to.

The author has targeted the text to young people, by using simple, informal and youthful language explaining relatable thoughts and occurrences. “Stop buying so much crap”, is an example of that. Despite the informal language, the text contains a sharp message that clearly comes through by the use of imperative sentences. The text conveys its purpose by convincing you to do something, by using short, convenient and highly persuasive add-ins like: “learn something.” And “Study paleontology.” The effect that this has is that we are told to do something, which makes more likely to do it.

Furthermore, the author gives the reader his or her personal opinion through an I-narrator. This type of perspective personalizes the writing and emphasizes the statements further. By including short declarations such as “Racism will always exist” the writer indirectly asks the reader a question which causes the reader to reflect on that sentence, and eventually remember the text.

Point No. 2 opens the second paragraph with the sentence “learn something” followed by three other imperative sentences. This method is in my opinion genius. Reading the second paragraph makes me want to do what the text says. It makes me want to learn something new, explore other languages and take in knowledge. The paragraph has examples and solutions to problems, which gives me, as a reader, a list of options on what to proceed with. I think the message of the paragraph is that no matter how unwise you may feel; you can always engage yourself in something new in order to educate yourself further, which I totally agree.

The third paragraph refers to an issue that is common to most of us. The sentence, “idiocy dominates our cultural landscape because it sells more Nike tennis shoes and Big Macs,” is in my opinion a bold yet effective statement. Additionally, the author makes us consider what we buy. If we buy less inept things we might, according to the author, be able to fix the western civilization. This is another confident statement, however I agree because if consumers consider more what they put their money in, there would be fewer useless purchases which could lead to lower production of the items.

Task 2D
International Social Media Influence

The world´s biggest audience is located on social media. We like, share, comment and tweet about important events to spread the word around. As commonly known, social media have taken the world by storm. It is almost impossible to not know where your friends are at all times and what they are up to. Social media platforms are immense sources of information, education, delight causing people of all ages to log on daily. Therefore, all of the above influences why social media has gained such a huge power and impact over the world. International events are often broadcasted online in order to gain a larger audience. This could be both positive and negative.

An example of an event like this is the presidential election in the USA in 2016. This was an international happening that almost every country engaged in. Several people believe that social media ruined the election. Citizens carelessly scattered their opinions online and everyone seemed to disagree in some way. It is believed that social media played a vital role in the election because the candidates used platforms like Twitter and Facebook to promote themselves and mock each other. Promises were also presented through social media by the candidates. An example on mocking is when Mr. Trump tweeted: “Our great African American president hasn´t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore!” this was a confident tweet in some people´s opinions and others thought it was outrageous and disrespectful. The tweets by the presidential candidates were re-tweeted and “favorited” by their vast expanse of worldwide followers. That caused the message to be broadcasted to almost everywhere.

There are numerous cases where social media influences an event negatively. However, there are positive effects of the use of media in important events as well. A while ago, a video emerged online where a passenger on United Airlines was being viciously dragged out of an airplane due to overbooking. The incident was filmed by one of the other passengers and the clip went viral rapidly. People were utterly shocked when they saw the treatment of travelers that had paid for the trip, were seated and ready for their flight. That was when social media united, like they have done before, and created a hashtag telling people to boycott United Airlines. Occurrences like this are called “social media activism” and are known to be very effective. Due to the scandal and the help from social media, Untied Airlines ended up dropping $1.4 billion in stocks.

Outrageous tweets and social media activism do not have a lot in common, however they are both caused by people disagreeing online. Another similarity is that the Trump era has created a lot of social media boycotts. The advantages in the first case are that the candidates got to express themselves and share their messages to the people voting for them. On the other hand, the tweets caused several people to argue and disagree. The USA as also put in a bad position because of Trump´s disgraceful tweets. The other case was only a disadvantage and embarrassment for the United Airlines, but it was informative and helpful to travelers.

To conclude, social media influence everything. The vast amount of sharing makes sure everybody knows what is going on. The fact that social media affects nearly every being somehow only shows what kind of power our use has given it. Everything from mocking presidential candidates, to spreading a video of people committing crimes; social media has it all.

Sources and citations
How You Can Save Western Civilization by Reading True Grit (2015, March 18). Retrieved May 10, 2017, from https://www.dmagazine.com/frontburner/2015/03/how-you-can-save-western-civilization-by-reading-true-grit

Sanders, S. (2016). Retrieved 12.05.17, from npr.org

(1) Hickam, J. (2015). Retrieved 12.05.17, from sheknows.com

Lee, E. (2016) Retrieved 12.05.17, from thedarthmouth.com

Cox, J. (2017). Retrieved 12.05.17, from independent.co.uk

Plastic Pollution - A Global issue

Table of Contents

1.0 The problem

We love plastic and use it every single day. Reasons to this is because we know it as a cheap, versatile and durable material, which are attractive qualities to us. There are several advantages with plastic that can be compared to other substances. The material is long-lasting and it is lightweight. Plastic can resemble glass and can look equally beautiful as glass, except it does not have to be handled as carefully. Plastic in form of helmets, cellphones and IV-bags at hospitals are essentials to our lives and have molded our society into a safer place.
Plastic is however a substance the earth can not digest. As commonly known, the increasing accumulation of plastic material is dangerous to the world. It does not only affect wildlife and natural habitants, but humans. 50 percent of plastic that we use, is thrown away after being used once. The largest ocean garbage site in the world is called The Great Pacific Garbage Patch and it is located in the coast of California. This floating accumulation of plastic material is twice the size of Texas, with plastic fragments outnumbering sea life six to one. Enough plastic is used every year to circle the earth four times. This must be drastically changed now.

2.0 Consequences

Plastic affects every being alive in some way. On every beach around the world you find washed up plastic. Even the most remote places you encounter plastic. When the element enters the ocean, it is difficult to clean up in an efficient way. Most of it sinks to the bottom of the sea. Millions of tons of plastic seem to be disappearing into the deep. Only 1 percent ends up as waste on the beach or caught in the ice. Most types of the material never decompose entirely, but are slowly broken down to tiny splinters. Some may be consumed by marine fauna, accumulated or essentially ends up in ourselves. Over 663 species of marine wild life are either suffering from ingestion and entanglement every year.

2.1 Consequences sea life

Marine creatures found entangled in our plastic debris, becomes a more common prospect in the news every day. Plastic waste that is found in the sea is often consumed by seabirds and marine creatures. About 100 000 seals, whales, turtles and other animals are killed every year due to plastic, according to the environmental group; Planet ark. A million of seabirds also suffers a horrible death because of our plastic abuse. Birds such as the now endangered Albatross, are feeding plastic pellets to their young ones, because they mistake it as food. The chicks eventually die as a result, causing the already endangered species to slowly vanish. Higher up in the food chain, the predators appear. They are unwittingly consuming prey that have consumed plastic, and they will also have problems processing it.

“Albatross, victim of plastic ingestion”
(Unknown, 30.03.17)

A short while ago, a rare stranded whale appeared in the news. The ill Cuvier's beaked whale was clearly in a tremendous amount of pain and eventually had to be put asleep. During the autopsy, the scientists were utterly shocked when they examined the mammal´s stomach. About 30 plastic bags was retrieved followed by different sorts of plastic debris. The plastic waste the whale had consumed came from all over the world and had accumulated into a large mass inside the whale which clotted the animal´s intestines. A situation like this is already common, but environmentalists predict that occurrences such as this will double within a few years. Our plastic bags look like jellyfish to whales which is a common meal to them.

2.2 Effects humans and planet

Tiny plastic fragments called micro beads are commonly found in toothpaste, facial scrubs and other toiletries. The heart of the problem is this exact particle, however people are quite unaware of this issue and risk. A single shower can cause over 100 000 microscopic plastic particles entering the ocean. A tube of face wash can contain over 330000 bits of micro plastics. These pieces are slowly contaminating lakes with clean water. Micro beads are so tiny, that they pass through the filtration and into the water. Many sewage treatment facilities do not capture synthetic floating particles at the size of under 0.5 mm. Therefore, billions of plastic micro beads are flowing into our global waterways. Micro plastic particles attract other pollutants in the environment including PCBs, flame-retardants and other chemical substances. A single plastic particle can absorb 100000 times more chemicals than the water around it. When consumed by fish that we later eat, we are getting poisoned. The particles are found in oceanic gyres, gulfs, bays and seas worldwide.
Illustration of plastic accumulation.

2.3 Garbage continent

The great Pacific patch otherwise known as the “garbage continent” is a vortex of aquatic debris located in the North Pacific Ocean. The patch consists of debris, chemical sludge, and other sorts of waste caused by humans. The material has been caught by the currents of the North pacific gyre and accumulated into a mass. The area occupies a large and relatively constant region of the North Pacific Ocean bound by the North Pacific gyre. The gyre´s pattern is constantly rotating and draws waste. As material are captured in the currents, the wind on the surface of the currents are gradually moving floating waste into the center. This traps the waste and forms an “island” of litter.

The waste will ultimately collide with the coasts of Peru and Chile, a large chunk of our 8th continent will eventually wash up to our shores and start piling up. You could save a turtle´s life by simply using less plastic and make sure your garbage is properly managed. Scientists are currently working on the project of removing the mass. Different machines and submarines have been set to chart the mass so we can learn how to attack the issue. They have not succeeded this mission yet. Our rubbish from the land is polluting our oceans, trapping and choking millions of fish and animals. We must keen our plastic trash out of our ocean and save ocean life.

3.0 Reduction efforts and solution?

How can we rise above our greatest pollution issue? There are ways to become more plastic free in our everyday. If all unite, we can slowly take baby steps towards a greener earth. We must seek alternatives to all plastic that we count on. Begin by refusing single-use plastic equipment; plastic cutlery, straws, plastic bags and other disposable items. Invest in a cloth bag to bring when you are shopping, to refuse plastic bags. You can also request paper bags, that are broken down easier. Go for a metal water bottle instead of multiple plastic ones, that will be used once and thrown away after. In order to refuse plastic, you must also switch your toiletries with brands that does not contain micro beads. There are various brands that are aware of the risk and creates products that can help to solve the issue.

Things that may seem like a bagatelle could assist to clean up the earth. Like for example, give up your gum. Chewing gum is made from synthetic polyvinyl, and you are not only chewing plastic but toxic plastic. The plastic in gum contains a chemical that have caused tumors in lab rats, that shows how dangerous the substance can be. And if you are throwing your used gum on the ground, birds often mistake it as food. The sticky surface of the plastic clogs the bird´s insides, and it suffers a horrible death. Instead of plastic bags for your lunch, invest in a food box. Instead of a lighter for your campfire, try using matches. There are numerous ways to solve our extensive use of plastic. Try to include as many people as possible to refuse and recycle plastic, rise awareness and inform about the hazard.

4.0 Conclusion

To conclude one of the materials that we rely on and use the most, is one of the substances that´s most dangerous to us. The accumulation of plastic is one of the most central global issues. We have allowed it to get to a point where garbage continents are formed, several animals die due to our waste and if we don´t change something now, we will be poisoned by our abuse. Plastic particles absorbs toxins like sponges, it is feared that these toxins find their way to the food chain, and people are the top of the food chain. Babies are born pre-polluted, and it may create fetal disorders and defects once the baby is born. A simple face wash should not be polluting our seas and eventually ourselves. Use as much recyclable material as you are able to. Beat the micro bead. Save the planet step by step.

Sources and Citations 

·             http://reusal.weebly.com, retrieved 19.03.2017.

·             http://www.ourendangeredworld.com/plastic-pollution/, retrieved 19.03.2017.

·             http://www.plasticpollutioncoalition.org/, retrieved 20.03.2017.

·             http://mydailyalerts.com/positive-negative-effects-plastic , retrieved 23.03.2017.

·             http://www.plasticsoupfoundation.org/en/consequences-for-the-environment/, retrieved 23.03.2017.

·             www.vg.no , retrieved 25.03.2017.

·             http://www.greenfacts.org/en/marine-litter/l-2/3-micro-plastics.htm , retrieved 2.04.2017.

·             https://tv.nrk.no/program/KOID23004416/havet-og-plastmysteriet , Oceans- Mystic of the Missing Plastic documentary.